... p-by-step/
First of all, I would like to thank BONKERS for translating this text. :salute:
As we all know, patch 1.37 brought to us a new research system for aircraft. It is fairly controversial - especially when it comes down to new plane research. I have analysed this system since it premiered on the Dev Server and now I would like to share my knowledge. Taking into account the fact, that this text might be read by a person that has been playing War Thunder for a solid few months as well as one that has just started, I decided to start from the source. That is why a few things described here might seem awfully easy and straightforward. I would also like to say, that I am primarily a fighter pilot, and most of my research is based on that experience. However, the rules are similar in case of playing a bomber or the attacker (maybe also with tanks in the future?). All data was made on the basis of version
I What Is RP and How Do I Gain Them?
RP (Research Points) are an equivalent of XP points. We gain them by even the smallest of actions on the battlefield and they are later used to:
1. research modules of an aircraft we fly;
2. research new aircraft;
3. convert to free RP (usable with GE).
The key to understanding the rules of RP gain is acknowledging the rule, that every action has a predefined value, which is constant no matter the level of aircraft we fly. For example every hit we score on an enemy is worth 2RP, and a shootdown - 50RP. It does not matter, whether we are flying a reserve biplane or a Korean War jet. This is the basis. However, every plane has a parameter known as Research Points Bonus.

On the screenshot we see, that the I-15 WR biplane does not have any RP bonuses, however Zhukovsky’s I-153-M62 gains +50%. How does it look in practice? The answer is in the table below:

In the table we find five planes from the USSR tech tree, including two premium planes. As we can see, for shooting down an enemy with an I-15 WR we will gain 50RP, while piloting an Yak-9U will yield a reward of 80RP, and if we shall fly a Soviet Fw 190 D-9, which is a premium machine, a shootdown is worth 160RP. If we buy ourselves a premium account, the RP we gain is doubled.
To progress further, we need to define an illustrative battle. Let’s assume, that we have just fought a won battle, in which we:
- shot down 2 enemies;
- destroyed 5 ground targets;
- gained 24 hits;
- scored 6 critical hits.
Let’s assume, that this score is worth 500RP. If in every won battle we deal the same amount of damage, we will always get the same amount of RP*. So, if we play the illustrative battle in an I-15 WR we will recieve 500RP, if in an Yak-9U - 830RP, and if in the Fw 190 D-9 - 1660RP. If we also have a premium account, the scores go as follows: 1000RP, 1660RP and 3320RP. The RP we gain in those battles will be spent on researching the modules on an aircraft we flew and for free RP (we will speak more about new plane research in paragraph III).
*in practice the end result might be different, as the final RP amount depends also on the Battle Time and Battle Activity, as well as earned awards and achievements.
II RP Gain and Game Modes
In War Thunder we have three basic game modes:
- Arcade Battles (AB);
- Realistic Battles (RB);
- Simulator Battles (SB).
They can be differentiated by the level of difficulty (controls, Flight Models, physics, etc.). The question is: How does the RP Gain differ depending on a game mode?. Let’s analyse that based on the Ta-152 H-1 fighter.

Looking on the plane chart we can see, that the performance, earnings and repair costs differ depending on the game mode. However, the RP gain is the same no matter the game mode. The Ta-152 H-1 has a RP Bonus of +84%. This means, that a shootdown of an enemy is worth 90RP in every game mode (180RP using a premium account). If we play out a illustrative battle, we shall gain 920RP (1840RP with a premium account). Summing up: the specific game mode does not give any module research nor free RP bonuses. RB/SB players can feel somewhat cheated. However, things are a little bit different when it comes down to new plane research.
III Researching New Aircraft.
We now know, how the RP’s are calculated. Now it’s time to progress to researching new airplanes. In War Thunder we have 5 ranks. Every rank creates somewhat of a border, which influences which part of RP gained will be used to research a new airplane. The table below presents a percent difference with regards to rank spread:

To explore this further, let’s put up a screenshot of the British Tech Tree:

Let’s assume, that we will fly an Arcade Battle with a Spitfire Mk.I (rank 2 - RP bonus +12%) and the RP we gain we want to use to research the Tempest Mk.II (rank 4). The rank spread is then 2. So, only 30% of the RP gained will be spent on the research of the Tempest. We have done an illustrative battle. We have gained 560RP, which were spent on module research and free RP. However, only 168RP were spent on Tempest research. For an illustrative battle on HB we would have also got 560RP, this time however 60% of the RP we gained, so 336RP, would be spent on researching the Tempest
Now, we shall fly an Arcade Battle with the Spitfire Mk.IX (rank 4 - RP Bonus +66%) and the RP we gain we also want to use to research the Tempest Mk.II (rank 4). Both planes are in the same rank (rank spread - 0). 100% of the RP we gain will be spent on the research of the Tempest. We have done an illustrative battle and gained 830RP which will be spent fully on the research of the new aircraft. If we have played this very battle on HB, we would have also got 830RP, however, 1660RP (200%), would be spent on researching the Tempest.
The rank spread is counted both ways though. If in the next patch there will be a new rank 3 British airplane that we will decide to research using our Meteor F.3 (rank 5), then only 30% of RP gained on AB will be spent to research it (60% for HB and 75% on FRB).
The rank spread rule is also applied to Premium Aircraft, albeit only in a positive difference. Flying the Mustang Mk I.A in Arcade Battles (rank 3) we will only spend 90% of the RP gained on the research of the Tempest Mk II (rank 4) - it being a one rank spread. But to research the Wellington Mk Ic (rank 2) we will use up 100% of the RP gained. The rank spread rule does not apply here.
Here we should also add, that every airplane which we want to research has a RP multiplier if we are flying a dedicated airplane. As an example, let’s take the F-80C Shooting Star:

From the stat chart we see, that we will gain a special bonus, if we will research the F-80C using the P-51D-5. In case of Arcade Battles the bonus equates to +130% bonus RP, and to +110% in RB and SB. It is however worth noting, that the F-80C is an rank 5 jet, and the P-51D-5 is an rank 4 prop. So the rank spread rule also applies here. The final RP Gain bonus is presented by the table below:

In the example of Arcade Battles, the bonus is +117% (130 x 0.9 = 117). How does it work in practice? Both Mustangs (P-51D-5 and P-51D-30) have a RP Gain Bonus of +66%, but only the first one has a dedicated airplane bonus applied when researching the F-80C. Let’s assume, that we played our illustrative battle with both of those machines:
P-51D-5 earned 830RP, from which the following amounts of RP were spent of F-80C research:
- 971RP in Arcade Battles (117%);
- 1643RP in Realistic Battles (198%);
- 2050RP in Simulator Battles (247%).
P-51D-30 also earned 830RP, from which the following amounts of RP were spent on F-80C research::
- 747RP in Arcade (90%);
- 1494RP in Realistic (180%);
- 1867RP in Simulator (225%).
In the case of a dedicated airplane the rank spread rule is always used - as with every regular aircraft!
We also have an interesting casus in the USSR Tech Tree:

The dedicated airplane used to research the MiG-9 is the I-185 (M-82). However there is a 2 rank spread between the two of those planes, so it is more efficient to research the MiG using any aircraft from rank 4. Let’s take one illustrative battle in Arcade as an example :
I-185 (M-82) (rank 3) has a RP Gain bonus of +42%. It earned 710RP, from which 276RP were spent on the research of the MiG-9 - the bonus equates to 39% (130 x 0.3 = 39).
Yak-9U (rank 4) has a RP Gain bonus of +66%. It earned 830RP, from which 747RP were used on the research of the MiG-9 - the bonus equates to 90%.